TimberBase is the industry’s most advanced sales platform, connecting thousands of buyers and sellers worldwide. It’s an online marketplace delivering a wide array of lumber and building materials, as well as valuable market insights, all while simplifying transactions. The easy-to-use digital platform incorporates automation and creates efficiencies throughout the process, bringing the timber industry confidently into the next generation.
No matter your location or product interests, TimberBase is the go-to source for trusted and reliable global transactions. Buyers can receive customized offers and package deals to meet their needs related to OEM parts and packaging components, as well as access to a wide range of lumber and building materials. Sellers and mills can post offers to a large network of customers that are qualified as users of the TimberBase platform. And everyone will enjoy complete transparency over the process all while minimizing delays and surprises with real time order tracking.
Both buyers and sellers of lumber and building materials throughout the world are eligible to use TimberBase. Buyers can request quotes, receive offers, and place orders on the platform. With the backing of UFP, sellers can post offers and have access to a large network of customers and UFP facilities throughout the world.
There are multiple ways to sign up for a TimberBase account. First, click on the “Register” button on the home page of TimberBase.com. A TimberBase representative will reach out to begin the on-boarding process. Second, you can request a demo and a TimberBase representative will schedule an overview of the platform and discuss next steps related to a TimberBase account. If you are an existing UFP supplier or customers, contact your purchasing agent or account manager directly to discuss how to sign up as a user of the platform.
The TimberBase platform is free to use. You will not incur any charges related to accessing the platform. Simply register for an account and begin enjoying the many benefits of being a TimberBase user.
Yes, TimberBase is supported by a team of multi-lingual industry experts. They are available via an online chat within the TimberBase platform, or you can also contact your UFP account manager or purchasing agent for assistance with your transactions. We are firm believers in managing relationships on a personal level and managing the business and transactions digitally through TimberBase.com.
TimberBase is optimized for use on mobile devices like tablets and phones. The intuitive platform is easy to read and navigate with all the features and functionality of the desktop version. In addition, an app is being developed to give users a choice related to the how they would like to experience the digital platform.
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